Working Professional, Thane; Lost 20 kgs in 8 months and has been able to manage her hectic lifestyle better.
Few times in life you get the opportunity to publicly thank people who have made your life better. Here I am, happy to thank the person who taught me how to enjoy your food by eating right and still be healthy and happy.
I am a big Foodie. Food defines my mood in a day. If I am sad, I need good food to pep up my mood. If I am happy, I celebrate by eating food I like. Being a Sindhi, food is an intrinsic part of my daily life. To worsen things for me, I have had extremely bad metabolism. As a result, I have had fluctuations in weight. I was one of those 'been there done that' kids who have practically followed every diet around, have lost oodles of weight and have gained it back in less than 6 months to become fatter than before. Given the hectic pace of life we work in, most of the diets suggested were not sustainable. I had consulted 3-4 dieticians in the past few years and every time I had seen them handing over the same sheet of printed paper with diet to all the clients. At times I used to wonder, 'Wow. This seems like a family dieting plan- buy one and make everybody follow same at home. It doesn't work after a point. Each individual's body is different.
I thought I was done consulting for diet and knew everything. For the first time - after attaining my highest weight ever, I joined JnM, to train- as just like diets, gyms never worked for me. Even after 2 months of rigorous training, though I lost inches, my weight didn't move. That's when Doc recommended me to consult Pradnya. I was like, ok, let's try and hope that works.
For the first time a Nutritionist (ya, I can't call her a Dietician. I believe she teaches you to nourish your body) asked me to come to her for consultation after getting all blood reports done. I was impressed. Scientific, Methodical, Practical, Knowledgeable (really knows her stuff), Approachable, Patient and Understanding- that's Pradnya for you. For someone like me who thought - 'I know everything about diet' - she helped me get my basics right (they were all wrong). Right in your first session with her you will know that she is different. She asks so many questions to understand your routine, your habits, your medical issues, your likes and dislikes. My diet was different from my Husband's - who is born in Jharkhand and has been having rice all along. It was way different from my Mom (cause of age difference and hormonal requirements) and my brother (cause of his physical activity). And if you are wondering, my entire family has started consulting after seeing my results. A fat girl who could barely climb two flights of stairs now runs 10k every weekend. And a big contribution apart from my trainer is Pradnya's (who pushes me to go and workout everyday). I have never felt better. Even the numbers speak - I have lost 20 kgs in past 8 months.
Perks of having Pradnya as your Nutritionist:
- Variety is the spice of life- Yes, even while dieting. Consult her to believe. I never repeated my breakfast in 6 months.
- You will get to eat fancy food from across cultures in the name of dieting. Win-win for a foodie.
- If you are on track, you will be asked every 2-3 weeks -What would you like to have 🙂
- Eating out once in a week is never a no-no. She helps you choose initially (she asks which restaurant and I was like who does that). Then you are the boss.
- If you are a frequent traveller, or a paying guest, or don't have access to kitchen, she will still make it work for you.
Heartfelt thanks to the Magician Pradnya Ma'am for transforming us and especially my habits. Meet her to believe every word I said. If not to lose weight, to stay fit. Strongly Recommend.