Co-Founder, Thane; Was able to inculcate good eating habits for her 7-year-old daughter and also manage her gastritis better.
My experience with Dietician Pradnya Padhye has been really enriching in terms of taking the right food at the right time. I had visited Pradnya for the first time for my 7-year-old daughter who was an extremely picky eater just not fond of food. I could barely manage to convince her to have something before she started her long day at school which meant she had her breakfast 3 to 4 hours after she woke up.
Pradnya educated me about the dangerous implications of skipping breakfast on child's development, and she chalked out a realistic plan for my daughter which included small portions but power packed with nutrients to start my daughter’s day. Her plan worked wonderfully and I shall always be indebted to her for helping me to inculcate a very good habit of having breakfast in my daughter. She also conducted a very informative workshop on woman's day for our young mothers. Lastly, she has been helping me in overcoming a severe gastritis problem through her effective diet regime. Pradnya's positive and pleasing personality motivate us to follow her recommended diet. I strongly recommend Pradnya for whoever wish to have a fit body and not deprive the body through crash diets. All the best Pradnya continue helping people for a healthy body and a healthy mind.