Mumbai; Lost 10 kgs and has been able to change her eating habits permanently.
I realised that I was quite overweight and not looking and feeling good about myself which induced me to think about taking advice from a dietician. Knowing Pradnya’s background, I quickly thought of taking advice from her rather than going to someone else. I have friends who had followed her diet earlier and have got positive results. So, I had full confidence that I will also achieve the required results.
By following her clear instructions and diet strictly, I got good results and I have lost 10 kgs over 10-12 months. With her guidance the importance of having the “right food at the right time” and the understanding of “why” has helped me immensely to overcome some hunger pangs later and also induce my family for a healthier diet.
Her diet program gave a huge increase in self-confidence and looking fit in my own eyes, not just in others'.
Her plans are flexible and not rigid. I could eat everything which I felt like and did not lose out on the food. The diet was more focussed on a full meal. Personally, I believe in a full meal and her diet matched this perfectly.
She considers all factors of her patient and then designs the diet plan which I feel is the correct way to do it.
Losing 10 kgs, getting my self-confidence back and feeling great even now after another year is more than success… all thanks to Pradnya.