Weight Loss Center in Mumbai
Your current weight is a cumulative effect of multiple factors such as genetics, medical conditions, gender, etc. Apart from the number (kilos) what is more crucial is your body composition which includes the body fat, muscle mass, bone weight and water content. You may be losing weight, but if your fat percentage does not reduce, you are doing weight loss the wrong way. At our weight loss center in Mumbai when you start the weight loss program with us, we not only look at losing kilos but also losing inches, reducing fat percentage and increasing muscle mass. These parameters are extremely important. The final measure of success is to achieve weight loss while feeling more energetic and confident about your body.
How Big is the Problem?
The prevalence of overweight and obesity in India is increasing faster than the world average. More than 135 million individuals are affected by obesity in India. Obesity is one of the risk factors to lifestyle-related disorders and diseases like diabetes mellitus, hypertension, cholesterol, heart diseases, etc. But, do not worry, our dietician for weight loss is here to help you.
Overweight & Obesity – What do we know?
A BMI of 25 kg/m2 is considered to overweight globally. However, due to genetics that lead to abdominal obesity in Asians and its relation to lifestyle diseases, a BMI of 23 kg/m2 is considered to be Overweight and a BMI above 25 kg/m2 is considered to be Obese.
Calculate Your BMI (https://www.balcalnutrefy.com/bmi-calculator/)
How Do We Manage It?
In an attempt to lose weight fast, you must have visited a lot of websites and tried every fad diet out there, watched countless videos by famous personalities on how they lost weight, implemented all the tricks mentioned in the health care books.
Now, while trying all of the above you must have lost a few kilos but, the question is when you got back to the normal eating habits, did you gain it all back with a double fold? The answer for most of us would be a “yes”.
Our Approach to Weight Loss Program
Many times when clients contact us for the weight loss program, their biggest priorities include knowing about the best way to lose belly fat or the fastest way to lose weight or some are even keen to know more about weight loss foods or fat-burning foods. So, does losing weight mean fearing food? Or counting each bite that you take? Of course not, when it comes to weight loss programs, it is all about eating right, nutritious, and balanced meals.
We, at Balcal Nutrefy – Dieticians for weight loss, in our weight management program, do not focus on what not to eat but rather focus on what all foods you “need to eat” to nourish your body. It is a program which gives you the confidence that to lose weight you don’t need to starve yourself and go on extreme calorie deficit diets. You can eat and still lose weight on the scale, while ensuring that this is a sustainable way to weight loss. There is constant hand-holding from the team of our expert nutritionists/dietitians for weight loss who identify the gap areas, suggest sustainable lifestyle changes, make changes in your current eating habits that are not too overwhelming, and design a unique weight loss diet plan that is customized to your requirements, nutritionally balanced, is easy to follow. We also provide you with the best exercises to lose weight.
In our weight loss program, we monitor your progress not only on the basis of the lost weight but also with changes in your body composition wherein we ensure it is the body fat that you lose, build muscle mass, improve your blood parameters, achieve inch loss and see positive changes in your skin, hair, and overall well-being.
It is a weight loss program that teaches you how to manage various occasions like parties, weddings, festivities, days of no exercise, eating out at a restaurant, etc.
Our motto is to deliver sustainable weight loss to prevent obesity-related lifestyle diseases without any meal replacements, or external supplements which we feel is the best way to lose weight.
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